How to set boundaries and resist temptation to enable your addicted loved one during the holiday season
The holidays are such an emotional time for the families of addicts and the temptation is so great to give in and enable your addict so that you and your family can have a “normal” holiday.
Unfortunately, giving in to your addict during the holiday can have serious and sometimes deadly consequences, with more overdoses/suicides occurring around the holidays–and at home. In this compelling interview with Robin Guterman, LCSW from F.A.R. of Boca, we explore tips and strategies for surviving the holidays without giving in to your addict’s demands, feelings of sadness, depression and helplessness that occur this time of year when dealing with an addictive loved one and how your addict’s behavior affects all members of the family during the holidays.
Robin Guterman is a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in family therapy and addiction recovery.Robin, originally from NY, has worked in the addiction field for over 20 years.. She has been a therapist and clinical director in some of the most successful treatment centers in the country. She has implemented family programs into treatment centers and believes that the entire family system needs to change for successful recovery to occur.. Presently working in private practice, Robin’s passion is in helping the families dealing with the impact of addiction on their lives. To contact Robin Guterman, please call : 561 235 2292 or visit her website at:
November 22, 2013 | best rehabs in florida
Codependency Holistic Coach, Debbie Sherrick shares her own personal life story in our second interview with her. She bares her soul and reveals the pain, struggle and heartache of dealing with an addict and how she overcame her enabling and went on to help so many other women who are also in codependent relationships with addicts. You will be moved and inspired from Debbie’s honest and heartfelt personal story. Listen to the interview by clicking here
November 8, 2013 | best rehabs in florida

Can restoring your child’s brain chemistry resolve their addiction? Could this be the answer you are looking for? In this interview with Dr. Charles Tracy Sands from Transformations Treatment Center in Delray Beach, Florida, we discuss an exciting new approach to addiction treatment. Dr. Sands explains how imbalances in brain chemistry cause addicts to self-medicate and by utilizing a holistic approach of nutrition and supplements, serotonin and dopamine levels can be naturally restored and end your child’s addiction. Dr. Sands website is at and he can be reached directly
Dr. Charles Tracy Sands is a Florida native, born in Fort Lauderdale and a graduate of Pompano Beach High School, where he received athletic honors in track and cross country. He completed his Doctorate in Chiropractic degree from Texas Chiropractic College in 1984. Immediately thereafter, he joined his father’s practice in Pompano Beach, Florida, which had been in existence since 1954. Dr. Sands has maintained a highly successful chiropractic, clinical nutrition and holistic practice for many years. His focus is on holistic addiction therapy, nutritional counseling, sports injuries of the spine and extremities, chronic pain conditions affecting the neck and back and chronic health conditions. Dr Sands is well versed in the holistic management of drug and alcohol addiction and has formulated several nutritional products designed specifically for individuals in recovery.
Dr. Sands is an influential speaker who has an avid interest in holistic healing. This has allowed him to lecture nationally and internationally on the value of good health, nutrition and the importance of these elements in relation to overall wellness.
Brain Chemistry and Addiction
September 25, 2013 | best rehabs in florida
Obamacare and Addiction: Will it Hurt or Help Addicts?
Neisha Zaffuto and William McCormick of Medivance Billing are pleased to have the opportunity to present a special seminar on the Affordable Care Act at the ”Moments of Change” Conference on September 24th, 2013 at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida.
Many people in the addiction community are wondering how Obamacare will affect those suffering with addiction. Will there be more treatment options available or will out-of-pocket expenses put a financial burden on the addict’s family members?
Neisha Zaffuto and William McCormick will provide conference attendees with information that will help them navigate the tricky new health care options being offered in this Fall so that families can pick the best plan for their addicted loved ones. They share with what every addict’s family, loved ones and health care providers need to know about Obamacare and how it will affect those suffering with addiction. The day will also be filled with crucial information and top notch speakers in the addiction field.
Neisha Zaffuto – President of Medivance Billing Services says “The Affordable Care Act will be a revolutionary milestone for our current and future generations to have an opportunity to seek care in the early stages of their disease and not wait until it has escalated to the point of death or devastation to themselves or others.”
William McCormick, MBA – CEO of Medivance Billing Services “The affordable care act will present some start-up challenges, yet it will present greater benefits once its fully implemented. Moreover, having the provision that eliminates insurance carriers from having the power to deny coverage due to pre-existing conditions, will benefit millions of Americans who currently suffers from substance abuse and mental health disorders, gain the needed treatment services”.
Medivance Billing has generously gifted those wishing to attendee with a special code for admission reducing the day’s admission fee from $225 to only $50(breakfast and lunch are included). To register use code MOCMED924 and go to:
September 12, 2013 | best rehabs in florida
Are you wondering how Obamacare will affect those suffering with addiction? Will there be more treatment options available or will out-of-pocket expenses put a financial burden on the addict’s family members?
In this episode we interview Neisha Zaffuto and William McCormick of Medivance Billing. They share with us what every addict’s mom needs to know about Obamacare and how it will affect those suffering with addiction. Find out some of the key benefits of the new Affordable healthcare act for addicts and what you must watch out for when choosing your addicted loved one’s plan this Fall.
To learn even more about Obamacare and addiction, consider attending the “Moments of Change” Conference on September 24th, 2013 at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida. Medivance Billing has generously gifted us with a special code for admission reducing the day’s admission fee from $225 to only $50(breakfast and lunch are included)! The day will be filled with crucial information and top notch speakers in the addiction field. Medivance will be presenting a special seminar on the Affordable Care Act and provide attendees with information that will help you navigate the tricky new health care options being offered in the Fall so that you can pick the best plan for your addicted loved one. To register use code MOCMED924 and go to:
September 3, 2013 | best rehabs in florida
Listen as we interview Debbie Sherrick, a certified Holistic Health Counselor and co-dependency Life Coach teaching people how to unite mind, body and spirit for a successful healthy life style. Debbie was brought up in an abusive, alcoholic home in a little Indiana farm town. The oldest of four children, she learned to rescue, care take, enable, deny self, direct, and become a young adult at a very early age. Debbie has been teaching holistic wellness to those in recovery for 22 years. She has lead codependency groups at Trinity Church International and “Home safe” in Lake Worth Florida, and many local seminars.
Debbie explains how co-dependency is often rooted in childhood and how co-dependency can hurt the addict in your lives, despite your best intentions. She shares strategies to help you with your co-dependency issues and provides resources for mother’s of addicts who may be feeling guilty, overwhelmed and unable to let go and stop enabling their children. Click here to listen…
August 26, 2013 | best rehabs in florida
Are you in the grips of codependency and can’t find a way out? Do you keep “rescuing” your addict over and over again, hoping and praying that maybe this time things will be different? No one can deny the heartache and frustration of dealing with an addicted loved one. As a parent, partner, family member or friend of an addict you want to do everything in your power to help. But have your crossed the line into codependency? Here are a few signs that you may stuck in a cycle of codependency and enabling your addict:
- Do you feel the need to be in control?
- Were you raised in a dysfunctional family with an alcoholic or drug addicted parent or was one of your parents ill?
- Do you have a hard time setting boundaries and want to please others?
- Do you put others head of yourself and feel the desire to be a caretaker?
- Do you spend time trying to fix other people instead of focusing on yourself?
- Do you have a hard time saying no?
- Does the thought of letting go and allowing others to make their own choices cause you anxiety?
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Many people who are caught up in codependency just can’t stop trying to fix their addict. It becomes a mission and they often feel they are the only one who can save the addict in their lives.
It is no accident that the addict most often has someone suffering from codependency in their life. The addict knows exactly how to push the buttons of the codependent to get what he or she wants. The codependent– desperate to help and fix the addict– gives in and will provide food, shelter, money and other comfort items to the addict, allowing the addict to avoid facing consequences of his or her behavior. The only way the addict can hit rock bottom and change is for the codependency behavior to stop.
The addict must face the truth and become responsible for his or her addiction without placing blame on others before being successful in treatment. Even the best rehabs and addiction professionals cannot help someone who continues to blame others and will not admit they have a problem. Many times the codependent and the addict need to be separated for a time period during the addiction treatment. If the addict goes in to a long term drug rehab for treatment, this allows both the addict and the codependent to seek help so that they can eventually reunite and develop a more healthy relationship.
If you are stuck in codependency and want to stop enabling the addict in your life, you must get help. A codependency coach is a great way to work on these issues. You need a specialist who is an expert in codependency and understands the condition and how to successfully treat it. Realizing you both have a problem is the first step for both the addict and the codependent to recover.
Florida is home to some of the very best rehabs and addiction professionals in Florida. The Florida Addiction Resource Directory had researched and found the best rehabs and addiction professionals in Florida and listed them here. When seeking healthcare or treatment of any kind, be sure to ask many questions and do your own research as well. Remember, the addict and the codependent must both be ready to accept help before treatment can be successful.
Codependency: Are you enabling your addict?
August 5, 2013 | best rehabs in florida
A new article in Medical News Today, claims that “Bath Salts’ Stimulant Could Be More Addictive Than Meth”. This information comes from Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) who have published one of the first laboratory studies of MDPV (aka “bath salts”).The TSRI researchers confirmed the drug’s powerful stimulant effects in rats and found evidence that it could be more addictive than one of the most addictive and dangerous substances– methamphetamine.
Many people are unaware of the this new drug and the extreme dangers it can cause. Bath salts are also called in the street by these names: “Ivory Wave,” “Purple Wave,” Vanilla Sky,” and “Bliss”. This powerful drug can cause agitation, paranoia, hallucinations, chest pain, increased pulse, high blood pressure, and suicidal thinking/behavior. Bath salts are often snorted or ingested and have been the cause for many ER visits across the country, due to their rising popularity. Bath salts cause intense cravings and users often binge on the drug.
There have been incidents of people who were high on bath salts stabbing themselves and committing suicide. The hallucinations caused by the drug are extremely powerful and often result in unpredictable behavior by the drug user.
Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent the use of bath salts or any other drug for that matter. Education is the only effective weapon against bath salts. Even drug addicts who have tried many different types of drugs have warned others about the extreme dangers of bath salts. Spread the word to teenagers and young adults that bath salts are not only highly addictive and can have life-threatening side effects, they also can lead to violent, out-of-control behavior that is dangerous to the user and others. If you suspect someone you know is using bath salts, take them immediately to the nearest emergency room. If the person is displaying wild or out-of-control behavior, protect yourself by calling the police to bring them in. Do not take any chances with someone who is on such a dangerous drug.
Bath Salts
July 13, 2013 | best rehabs in florida
Choosing a treatment center for alcohol detoxification or drug addiction for your loved one can be difficult. You want the best place where your family member or your friend can stay and recover completely. If you are looking for some of the best facilities for alcohol or drug addiction recovery, then a Florida recovery center is the answer.
But why choose Florida recovery centers among all other treatment centers in the U.S.? Here are some great reasons:
Top specialists
Most Florida recovery centers are owned and employ top specialists in the field of substance abuse recovery that can help you with fast, safe and continuous recovery of your loved one from addiction. Recovery centers here have in-house physicians and psychiatrists who work hand in hand with patients and their families for a full and lasting recovery.
The best environment for wellness
Most Florida recovery centers are surrounded by nature which is a great feature that can help patient’s recover. Going back to nature, reducing stress and simplifying your life are ways that may help guide patients’ to recovery and to instil simplicity and wellness in their lives.
The laid-back atmosphere of Florida as they say is “conducive” to speed up a patient’s recovery, but there is no reason to hurry. Most in-house recovery centers may recommend a patient to undergo a 30, 60 or 90-day rehabilitation program. All these may depend on your doctor’s assessment of your condition.
Home away from home
You may be in treatment but it does not mean you have to miss out on the luxuries that you have at home. Most Florida recovery centers have complete amenities that will help you feel at home; from comfortable private or semi-private rooms, kitchen and dining facilities and entertainment facilities; you will most certainly feel comfortable and at home.
There are some restrictions however, especially when you are in a locked-in recovery program. You may not be allowed to leave the perimeter of the center as well as communicate by phone or through the Internet with your family and friends but these are all for your own good and to help you concentrate on your recovery as well. You may also have limited access to any medications; all your treatments will be delivered to you by a medical personnel; this ensures compliance to medications.
Florida may be far from where you live
If you live in another state, traveling to Florida for treatment can be helpful. Being near the community and the people who are the root cause of your dependence to alcohol and drugs will only make you more vulnerable to relapse. Being away from your family, friends and your business is a small price to pay for complete recovery. Talk to your doctor if you wish to know more Florida recovery centers for your condition.
Why you should consider a Florida Recovery Center
June 26, 2013 | best rehabs in florida